Purchasing Options

  • CU prefers that we use P-cards to pay for conference registration fees when conference attendance is virtual, however it is also allowable to use a Travel Card.
  • Employees can use their own P-card to pay for: (1) their own registrations, (2) other employees’ registrations, or (3) non-employees’ registrations. The expense will need to be reconciled with the cardholder’s other monthly P-card expenses.
  • CIRES-sponsored conference attendees can email cirestravel@colorado.edu if they want to have a conference registration fee paid with a P-card and they do not have one. Check out instructions posted here.
  • Employees can also pay for their own registrations on their own Travel Card. The expense will need to be reconciled along with all of their other trip expenses in Concur, after the trip is complete. 

Reconciling Registration Fees on P-Card

  1. Registration fees can be submitted with any other P-card expenses in your monthly report.
  2. Create a Procurement Card report in Concur and add conference registration expense to report.
  3. Allocate the registration expense to the “Registration Fees (553000)” expense type.
  4. Be sure to include a detailed business purpose, including the name of the conference you’ve registered for. If you provided payment for another individual’s conference registration, be sure to include their name in the business purpose. Ex: ‘Payment for AGU registration’ or ‘Payment for A. Nahum’s AGU registration’
  5. Obtain an itemized receipt for the registration expense and attach to expense in Concur. Itemized receipts should include the following:
    • Business Name
    • Date
    • Item(s) Purchased
    • Price of Each Item
    • Total Amount of Bill
    • Method of payment
  6. Allocate expense to speedtype.

Reconciling Registration Fees on Travel Card

  • If a Travel Card is used to pay for the virtual conference registration fee, the attendee needs to wait until after the conference is completed to submit their expense report in Concur. Any other out-of-pocket costs related to the virtual conference should be included in the expense report in order to receive reimbursement. Please visit the “Getting Reimbursement” section of InsideCIRES for information regarding how to submit travel expense reports.