13 July 2020

MEMORANDUM TO:  All Staff of the David Skaggs Research Center (DSRC)

FROM:  Dr. David W. Fahey, Chair, NOAA Boulder Directors Council           


Most of us have been working from home for nearly four months now, doing our part to stop the spread of COVID-19. Thank you for continuing to keep the DSRC safe and free from COVID-19. To date, we have not had a positive case in the building.

This memo provides an update from the NBDC of the site status and requirements designed to maintain a safe working environment in the DSRC.

Safety Orientation

On 8 July 2020, Benjamin Friedman, NOAA’s Deputy Under Secretary for Operations, announced a mandatory NOAA COVID-19 Safety Orientation.  All NOAA staff members (federal and non-federal) returning to the DSRC are required to complete this training prior to entering the building.

Face Coverings

Face coverings slow the spread of COVID-19 by helping to prevent infected individuals from transmitting it to others. All individualsin the DSRCare required to wear face coverings over the nose and mouth in common spaces in the building. Common spaces include hallways, stairwells, elevators, breakrooms, conference rooms, the lobby, restrooms and other spaces where physical distancing cannot be ensured. Employees may remove their face covering while seated at their desk in an enclosed office, so long as they are properly distanced from other employees in the office. Employees should report to their supervisor if they see anyone not wearing a face covering or not wearing a face covering appropriately.

On 22 May 2020, Wilbur Ross, Secretary of Commerce, announced in an all-staff email that “anyone entering a Commerce facility must wear a cloth face covering or mask that completely covers the nose and mouth, in accordance with CDC guidelines”. The same day, NOAA’s Chief Administrative Officer, Deirdre Jones, stated in an all-staff email that “all individuals inside NOAA occupied workplaces are required to wear face coverings until further notice, and are encouraged to maintain social distancing guidelines”. These two messages provide the official guidance for the DSRC face-covering requirement. Signs are now posted at each entrance to the DSRC announcing that face coverings are required for entry.


The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Boulder entered Phase 1 status on 13 July. The DSRC remains in Phase 0 status, which established mandatory telework for NOAA Boulder staff. NOAA Leadership, in coordination with NOAA’s Homeland Security Program Office and the NBDC, will determine when the DSRC will move to Phase 1 status. This decision will be based on local COVID-19 data and the readiness of the DSRC for Phase 1 reintegration. The DSRC Reintegration Team, created by the NBDC with members from each tenant organization, has been tasked with developing the DSRC Reintegration Plan, which we expect to be completed in the next few weeks. 

Even when DSRC transitions to Phase 1 status, we do not expect a significant increase in facility occupation; only employees involved in mission-essential functions will be allowed to return, with management approval. Each tenant organization will determine the staff needed to provide mission-essential functions for Phase 1. Phase 1 staffing is not to exceed 25%. All staff must receive explicit permission from their tenant organization to enter the facility during Phase 1.

Information regarding the transition to Phase 2 status will be provided in the DSRC Reintegration Plan.


Starting next week, new signs will be posted throughout the DSRC to inform staff of policy and procedures to be followed to prevent COVID-19 transmission. The signs address face coverings, social distancing, hand hygiene, elevators, breakrooms, and conference rooms.  All staff are expected to abide by these requirements.

The NBDC Directors and management teams remain available to answer any questions you have, and are working to provide you with the best resources available to carry out your assigned tasks in support of our shared mission.

Specific questions regarding building-wide reintegration policies should be directed to your supervisor, Dave Zezula (david.j.zezula@noaa.gov) or Cathy Martin (catherine.a.martin@noaa.gov).

Thank you again for all that you have done during this period to continue to move our important mission forward. We hope that you and your family are safe and healthy. Please know that the NBDC is working diligently to keep the DSRC workplace safe.