Dear CIRES Community,
We want to follow-up from yesterday’s Town Halls to reinforce leave tracking and timesheet protocols for March and April, with more details to come.
For the March leave report, Admin Leave is not yet available. Please use Sick Leave when you were ill or when you took care of a sick relative, and obviously, use Vacation Leave when you were on vacation. If you were not able to fulfill some of your regular work duties from home, but you put in your best effort to get as much done as possible under these circumstances, there is no need to account for any potential reduction in hours worked.
Beginning with the April leave report, Admin Leave specific to the COVID-19 situation will likely be available to some of us, in some circumstances:
- It will be for those who cannot fulfill some or all of our normal work functions from home, due to either lack of remote work capabilities, or due to caring for a non-sick child or family member for larger blocks of time during the day.
- This type of leave will only be available if your funding agency has approved it: so far, NOAA, NIH, NASA and NSF are on board.
- CIRES HR will provide more information on this type of Admin Leave soon, including a pre-approval process, which will be facilitated by CIRES administration.