Please welcome CIRES’ new HR Director, Angela Knight, who joined us full-time July 1. Angela works on CIRES Main Campus (CIRES 332) M/T/Th/Fri and at NOAA (3B508) on Wednesdays. Jasmine Moore has joined the CIRES HR team as a generalist; and for those who don’t already know, Janet Garcia serves as the CIRES HR team’s lead visa expert. Janet will be away July 29-August 18, so please contact her before then if you have any immigration status/documentation questions; Jasmine will be able to help out in Janet’s absence.
Andrea Dietz and Greg Bradley of CIRES finance have left CIRES to pursue new directions. Nikki Joy will be leaving her current Property and Purchasing Manager position to become the Finance Manager for PSD, CSD, & NWS projects as well as SWPC & NCEI Task II. Annie Fudale will take over GMD Task II and Andy Wang will replace Andrea as the Finance Office Post-award Lead.
Meg Tilton, has joined the CIRES administration as part of the IT group; she formerly worked in NCEI.