Gearing up… With our departure for the North Slope of Alaska only a day and a half away, things are getting real very quickly. Seeing the temperatures (currently -18 F, up from a much more intimidating -31 F earlier this morning) and winds (10–20 mph) makes me appreciate the “cold” 40 degree weather we’re experiencing… Read More

Checklists for your checklists… Preparations are well underway for our upcoming deployment to Oliktok Point, Alaska. I have to say that this particular campaign has really taken things up a notch in terms of preparations. Not only are we bringing a larger airplane (which requires a larger crate, a larger truck, a larger cargo aircraft… Read More

Gijs de Boer March 9, 2016 I will be working with a team of University of Colorado Boulder researchers and students at Oliktok Point, Alaska from April 2 to April 16 to deploy two unmanned aircraft, the CU Pilatus and the CU DataHawk 2. We developed these aircraft and instrumented them in collaboration with the… Read More