Today we attached the last cable, zip-tied the last cord, and set the final acquisition setting… D-ICE is officially collecting data! It was a long two weeks, but together we pushed through motivated by our love for science and improving data quality and collection. It was a rainy last day, which was true to form for the general Barrow climate for the entirety of the trip, but it was completely tolerable and we got everything done that we needed done. We hope to have data and images posted to our D-ICE webpage next week. We are excited to see the results over the next year.
The team from left to right: Ross (station tech), Nick, Emiel, Chris, Sara, Meghan, Bryan (Station Manager)
The team from left to right: Ross (station tech), Bryan (station manager), Meghan, Emiel, Sara, Chris, Nick
Congratulations on a job well done!
Congratulations on a job well done!
Great job, all! Can’t wait to see the data flowing and eventually determining which setups mitigate the frost, rime, and snow best so that we can obtain the most accurate and continuous surface radiation measurements needed to monitor this changing climate! Well done! -Chuck