Please refer to the information below for guidance in the event of a federal government shutdown on March 14, 2025. CIRES administration will update this as quickly as possible when guidance changes. Please also refer to the RESOURCES list below for computing, training, counseling, and other resources. 

Key points

  • CIRES employees who work in NOAA labs and offices can continue to work during the shutdown unless their work requires access to NOAA facilities or federal employee oversight. All NOAA federal facilities will be closed, except for certain excepted functions. If you are among those allowed access, you should be given clear instructions from local NOAA leadership. 
  • All NOAA IT systems will remain operational during the shutdown; this includes Gmail, Google Drive, VPN, and remote access clients. Each NOAA lab will have at least one person who is permitted to work to provide IT support during the shutdown period.
  • If NOAA systems break, you should expect delays in getting them back up and running.
  • FAQs for IT-related shutdown issues at OAR are available in this Google doc (access through emails only) and on the Inside OAR site.  
  • The eRA system should continue to be operational.
  • This Help Guide has information on how to check your email, verify you have a mailbox, and terminate a redirect, if one exists.
  • The eRA system should continue to be operational.
  • Please be aware that all emails sent and received from your and accounts are always subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Colorado Open Records Act (CORA).
  • If you are unable to carry out your work during a shutdown, the CIRES Center for Education, Engagement, and Evaluation (CEEE) has several opportunities available (in addition to ideas listed below):
    • CLEAN Expert Science Review
      • Support the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN; the backbone to NOAA’s Teaching Climate portal) by reviewing educational resources in their collection for scientific accuracy. The CLEAN database includes lesson plans, learning activities, videos, and visualizations for teaching about climate and energy topics. The CLEAN review process includes an expert science review and CLEAN currently is looking for scientists to help with this process. A review takes between 20-60 min and might include watching an educational video, reading through a lesson plan, or looking at a visualization before completing a short review survey. Sign up through the expert science reviewer interest form, or reach out to and provide some information about your background/expertise so we can match you with resources.
    • Short-term Mentoring Undergraduate Students
      • Have expertise in Arctic science? Support Undergraduate Student participants in an intensive research experience program that is happening during the Arctic Science Summit Week (3/24-3/27) here in Boulder to provide feedback on their data analysis and research progress. Contact: if you are interested.

Questions and answers

  1. In the case of a partial shutdown, would CIRES people be going on furlough or reduced pay? CIRES people are not federal employees and therefore their pay would not be impacted by a government shutdown. They would continue to work and would continue to be paid.
  2. Will any CI employees be able to work onsite at NOAA during a shutdown? Yes, in rare circumstances. If you are working on excepted activities or activities that are not funded with annual appropriations (e.g., BIL and IRA) and if those activities require laboratory access, you may be permitted onsite. You will receive clear direction from local NOAA leadership as to whether or not you are permitted on site and with what restrictions. 
  3. Can we use Google Suite, NOAA-provided laptops, and other NOAA systems during a partial shutdown? Cooperative Institute employees MAY use federally provided laptops and many, but possibly not all, systems during a shutdown. Per OAR, the following systems are accessible, during a partial shutdown, to CIRES people working in OAR labs: Google Suite, VPN, and NOAA-provided laptops (other systems may also be available, but were not specifically called out). Please note that for all, Federal IT staffing will be limited, so if things break or require attention, fixes may take longer than usual.
    CIRES people working in NCEI, SWPC, and WPC should follow federal guidance, if available. If not, please use systems that are available (eg: if Google Suite works for you, you may use it). 
  4. Can CIRES provide a computer for me if I cannot use my NOAA-provided computer? OAR-based CIRES people are allowed to use your NOAA-provided computer. For CIRES staff embedded in other NOAA line offices, guidance is not yet clear. CIRES has a very limited number of loaner laptop computers. Please request one by emailing
  5. What if the only projects I work on require access to federal facilities or colleagues? What can I work on? We have full confidence that you can come up with many ways to remain productive, serve our NOAA cooperative agreement, work on papers or documentation, or pursue training that will make you more effective or efficient when things open back up. Please see the RESOURCES section below. If you speak with your CIRES supervisor and conclude you truly cannot remain productive during the shutdown (this will apply to very few of you, if any), you should take vacation or unpaid leave.
  6. Are there prohibitions against working with our federal colleagues? Will we get CIRES in trouble? Please don’t encourage your federal colleagues to work if they are not exempted. The responsibility for following federal guidelines lies with them, not us, but do not encourage actions that are not permitted. 
  7. Can I hold a meeting on campus? Or use a drop-in workspace? We have limited spaces available, on main campus and east campus. Please start by contacting Dan Keane,, with your needs: Date, time, number of participants, audio/visual or other needs. Please note: there may be specific on-site requirements for J-1 visa holders; we will update this section with information when we have it.
  8. Can I print on campus? Yes. Contact the CIRES Message Center at 303-492-1143, or
  9. What should I do about proposals that are coming due? CIRES proposals will still proceed with proposal submissions that are due during the government shutdown. Most federal systems will be operational and active, but there may be no one to answer questions (see OCG guidance below).. We will proceed as best we can following the funding opportunity guidance. Additional guidance from OCG is as follows:
    1. Proposal activity should proceed as normal, except in cases where a system goes down – government employees would be furloughed so no one would be there for support. 
    2. Document all attempts to submit by the deadline and we’ll petition for review as soon as possible.
    3. Make sure to download any needed FOAs/reference documents in case sites go down. Study sections may be delayed, so project periods on new awards may get pushed back
  10. What do I need to know about travel? CIRES travel is allowed and expected in most cases. Meetings, workshops, etc., run by federal people or organizations may be canceled; CIRES participation would, therefore, need to be canceled. However, travel to conferences such as AGU or planned fieldwork that can occur without federal participation may continue. Please get in touch with your Finance Manager and CIRES Travel if you have questions or concerns.
  11. How do I submit a travel request during the government shutdown? If your travel is being supported on Task ll funds, this typically requires “Federal Acknowledgement” from a federal partner that the travel request is in accordance with the scope of the project funding the travel.  As federal partners will not be available during the shutdown and cannot provide acknowledgment, please reach out to your CIRES Supervisor to provide the acknowledgment. Your travel request in Inside CIRES should provide a thorough justification explaining how the travel benefits the project. In addition, please attach the acknowledgment from your CIRES Supervisor to the travel request. For more information: Please see the Travel Services page of InsideCIRES, Approval tab (requires login).
  12. Are expenses an employee incurs to work from home reimbursable? (computer repairs, toner for printers, etc.)? Contact your CIRES IT ( for any computer-related repair questions. Contact your CIRES Finance Manager before purchasing any office supplies out-of-pocket. The Finance Office will determine on a case-by-case basis if the supplies are allowable and if so, will work to purchase them directly.
    1. Finance Managers for the Cooperative Agreement – Task ll:
      1. CSL – Lauren Stockwell
      2. GSL – Rebecca Stossmeister
      3. GML – Dawn Williams
      4. NCEI – Nikki Joy
      5. PSL – Ingrid Simecek
      6. SOS – Lauren Stockwell
      7. SWPC – Laura Burfield
      8. WPC – Libby O’Neall
    2. If you can’t reach your finance manager, please contact Annie Fudale, CIRES Finance Director.
  13. How will CIRES send us updates? We will issue updates by email, on the admin blog, through InsideCIRES, and through town halls.
  14. How can we ask questions of CIRES Leadership? 
    1. Submit anonymous input through InsideCIRES (
    2. Attend Town Halls (
    3. Email specific CIRES Offices:
      1. CIRES Communications 
      2. CIRES Export and Research Agreements: 
      3. CIRES IT Help Desk:  
      4. CIRES HR:
      5. CIRES Proposals:
      6. CIRES Travel:
      7. CIRES Property:
      8. CIRES Finance: see InsideCIRES for staff listing and individual e-mail addresses
      9. CIRES Message Center:
      10. CIESRDS/CIRES Associate Director for Science, Christine Wiedinmyer:
      11. CIESRDS Science and Administrative Manager, Kari Bowen, 
      12. CMC Representatives: see for staff listing and individual email addresses
  15. Can I print out a poster for a meeting?  Yes. Contact CIRES IT help at least 24 hours in advance:


Things to do in the absence of lab or computing resources 

Training ideas, some of which cost money  

A reminder that CU HR can oftentimes support professional development trainings that have an associated cost. Please submit requests for use of professional development funds via InsideCIRES by clicking on the “Professional Development” tab.
