As the new year begins, it’s important to update the status of your Disclosure of External Professional Activities (DEPA) form filed with the University. As has been the case previously, if your work is in any way connected to the design, conduct or reporting of research activities, you’ll want to get your 2022 DEPA submitted as soon as possible to avoid delays in proposal processes or award reception. In order to continue to be eligible for proposal submission and award reception throughout this year, you are required to have a disclosure filed within the 12 months prior to the intended action, AND an updated 2022 DEPA submitted by April 30th, 2022. Like last year’s reporting period, the DEPA form is accessible through the infoEd portal here, which you can log into via your CU identikey and password. CIRES provides instructional and informational pages through insideCIRES here and any questions can be directed to Cameron Walker (Cameron.Walker@Colorado.EDU) and Teddy De Maria (demaria@Colorado.EDU) with CIRES Finance, or to COIC (