From: Trusted OAR Sender – NOAA Service Account <>
Date: March 4, 2020 at 3:07:35 PM MST
To: _OAR ALL <>
Cc: Craig McLean – NOAA Federal <>
Subject:Update from OAR AA Craig McLean

Dear OAR Colleagues,

Your OAR leadership team is continuing to monitor information and events related to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). As NOAA works to establish consistent measures and policies to mitigate risks presented by COVID-19, I want you to know that your health and safety, and that of the entire NOAA family, are at the forefront of all of our concern and our efforts as you concentrate on your mission, and sustaining your own health. OAR and all Lines are actively engaged with NOAA leadership to contribute to decision-making and anticipating possible needs in the future. We are tracking developments, and as soon as decisions are made or new information becomes available, we will disseminate these to your leadership team, including your directors (lab and program and staff offices), and deputies.

I realize that you may be concerned and anxious given the uncertainties presented by COVID-19. I ask that you use your local safety liaisons, your immediate supervisors, and your lab and program directors and deputies to address individual issues such as telework, leave, travel, and for any specific questions or concerns that you have. Similarly, I ask that lab and program directors reach up to the OAR Chief of Staff, appropriate DAAs, CFO, with questions they cannot resolve or with their recommendations for actions with more broad implications across your facility or across OAR. Due to the regional nature of this evolving situation, you and your team may be the first to become aware of new situations, and a good flow of information up and down the chain of command is essential to our successful response.

Please continue to follow good safety and health practices as you would for the flu season. If you feel sick, you should notify your supervisor and you should stay home. Please take good care of yourselves, as we all commit to taking care of each other during this challenging period. Your entire leadership team of myself, DAAs, CFO, Chief of Staff, are all resolved to serving your needs and your wellness as we continue our important mission work for the Nation.

Helpful links with additional information on safety practices, travel, and workplace policies, are included below:

1. CDC Guidance
2. OPM Guidance
3. State Department Travel Guidance
4. NOAA OHCS Intranet

Thank you for your service and perseverance.
Keep it up!

Craig N. McLean
Assistant Administrator 
Oceanic and Atmospheric ResearchNational Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationU.S. Department of Commerce1315 East West HighwaySilver Spring, MD  20910
Office:  301-713-2458