A new policy is now in effect for CIRES employees wishing to include personal travel as part of their business trip. Travelers should review the full policy on InsideCIRES here, before submitting a travel request to cirestravel@colorado.edu.
Briefly, here’s what changed:
– Travelers may use a different route to arrive at the business destination than would have been taken without the inclusion of personal travel.
– Travelers are allowed to include a stopover at a non-business location.
– Identical quotes are no longer required. Instead, travelers must provide comparison quotes showing the cost of the route that would have been taken versus the cost of the route actually planned.
– Duration of personal travel cannot exceed the duration of the business travel.
As before:
– Travelers cannot receive reimbursement for costs incurred as a result of personal travel.
– If the inclusion of personal travel results in more costly airfare, travelers must pay for their airfare up-front with personal funds and request reimbursement after their trip is complete.
Send questions on the new Personal Travel Policy to cirestravel@colorado.edu.