With just one week left, there’s not much more to do beyond finishing up the slides for my talk this Friday and making revisions to my submitted poster draft! The past few days have also been consumed by writing my AGU abstract and revising it approximately 572 times. One would think, with as often as I have read the abstract submission page, that at any point I would have caught the phrase “character limit”, but no, I read it as “word limit” and thus spent a solid day cutting a third of my beautifully crafted abstract. All worth it in the end though, as it, along with the many revisions per coauthors, made the abstract concise and far easier to understand.

I would write more, but it’s… a time that I don’t want to look at or it will be real. It’s late. Really late. So I’ll pick this up again in a few days to summarize my time here and wrap up my 2018 RECCS blog!

Until next time!


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