This week has been going well. My mentor Rick Saltus was out on Monday/Tuesday and of course we had July 4th, off. Tomorrow (Friday) Rick, Manoj, and I are going to visit an Iron Dike up near Ferncliff, CO (40 miles North/West of Boulder). This Iron Dike is supposed to have a high reading of magnetism. All three of us are excited to collect data and see how deep this Iron Dike goes down. I have been creating different models in Excel and now I am getting my PowerPoint presentation organized and ready to go. The Poster project may be a little bit of a challenge because I have 10 different profiles I have created in Excel, so I am going to choose three of my favorite to share. I have presented to Neesha Schnepf, twice now, for my Whiteboard 5~7 minute presentation. I’m happy I presented to her because I got great feedback, I still need to learn how to explain what I am working on more clearly, it takes time and I am learning as I go. When I look at all the different models that I have made in Excel, I pat myself on the back. Modeling can be tedious, as this is just a part of science. My homework for tonight is to start writing my Methods portion of my poster, I can either go into full detail or keep it short, I just need to write a happy medium. After the field trip tomorrow, I will continue to work on organizing my PowerPoint presentation, as I want to be ready to go! Week five here we come!

P.S. The RECCS BBQ yesterday was a lot of fun! Good company, food, and games 🙂

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